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A Scoping Review of Early Childhood Development Interventions in Refugee Settings in Africa
Title: A Scoping Review of Early Childhood Development Interventions in Refugee Setting...
Political Economy Analysis (PEA) of ECD in Uganda
Title: Political Economy Analysis (PEA) of ECD in Uganda Author (s): The AfriChild ...
Systematic Mapping of Child-Focused Scholars and Networks in Africa
Title: Systematic Mapping of Child-Focused Scholars and Networks in Africa Author (...
A study under the Strengthening Research and Evaluation Capacity for Evidence-Driven Policies and Programs to Improve Refugee Child Wellbeing in Africa Project - Baseline Report
Title: A study under the Strengthening Research and Evaluation Capacity for Evidence-Dr...
Political Economy Analysis of Early Childhood Development in Ethiopia
Title: Political Economy Analysis (PEA) of ECD in Ethiopia Author (s): The AfriC...
Strengthening Research and Evaluation Capacity For Evidence-Driven Policies and Programmes to Improve Refugee Child Well-Being In Africa
Title: Strengthening Research and Evaluation Capacity For Evidence-Driven Policies and ...
Decolonizing Social Work Research to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls and Promote Good Education Outcomes through a School-Community Collaborative
Title: Decolonizing Social Work Research to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls an...
Functional Limitations Among Child Refugees with Developmental Disabilities and Barriers to Early Childhood Intervention in a Ugandan Refugee Settlement
Title: Functional Limitations Among Child Refugees with Developmental Disabilities and ...
Lessons Learned from a Child Participation Project with The AfriChild Centre in Uganda
Title: Lessons Learned from a Child Participation Project with The AfriChild Centre in ...
The Effect Of Covid 19 on The Wellbeing of Children in Uganda
Title: The Effect Of COVID-19 19 on The Wellbeing Of Children in Uganda June Author...
Tending the ‘monthly flower:’ a qualitative study of menstrual beliefs in Tigray, Ethiopia
Title: Tending the ‘monthly flower:’ a qualitative study of menstrual beliefs in Tigray...
Understanding HIV risks among adolescent girls and young women in informal settlements of Nairobi, Kenya: Lessons for DREAMS
Title: Understanding HIV risks among adolescent girls and young women in informal settl...
The moral and social narratives of sexual and reproductive health in Kenya: a case of adolescents and young people pre- and within the MDG era
Title: The moral and Social Narratives of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Kenya: A Ca...
Utilisation of sexual and reproductive health services among street children and young adults in Kampala, Uganda: does migration matter?
Title: Utilisation of sexual and reproductive health services among street children and...
Temporal shifts in HIV-related risk factors among cohorts of adolescent girls and young women enrolled in DREAMS programming: evidence from Kenya, Malawi and Zambia
Title: Temporal shifts in HIV-related risk factors among cohorts of adolescent girls an...
Venue-Based HIV Testing at Sex Work Hotspots to Reach Adolescent Girls and Young Women Living With HIV: A Cross-sectional Study in Mombasa, Kenya
Title: Venue-Based HIV Testing at Sex Work Hotspots to Reach Adolescent Girls and Young...
What do service providers in Southern Ethiopia say about barriers to using youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents?: Qualitative study
Title: What do service providers in Southern Ethiopia say about barriers to using youth...
Where and how do young people like to get their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information? Experiences from students in higher learning institutions in Mbeya, Tanzania: a cross-section
Title: Where and how do young people like to get their sexual and reproductive health (...
Youth accessing reproductive health services in Malawi: drivers, barriers, and suggestions from the perspectives of youth and parents
Title: Youth accessing reproductive health services in Malawi: drivers, barriers, and s...
Socio-cultural Context of adolescent sexuality and youth friendly service intervention in West Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia: A Qualitative Study
Title: Socio-cultural Context of adolescent sexuality and youth friendly service interv...