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98 total results found
Education & Development
ECD services and support for all children 0-8 years. Inclusive parenting and inclusive education for children
Care & Protection
Care and nurturing of children and prevent. Strengthening family care and family structures.
Child rights and governance mechanisms as a contribution towards the realization of their rights.
Systems Strengthening
Building and strengthening holistic and integrated systems and models to promote the best interests of the child.
Survival & Health
Steps taken for children aged 0-3 years by individuals and communities to reduce the risk, duration or severity of an adverse health condition that detrimentally affects the survival of infants and children.
Policy & Regulations
Global Strategies for Children's Rights: Policies and Regulations
SRH of adolescents in schools schools for PWDs
Persons with disabilities have the same sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs as the abled people but they often face barriers to SRH information and services which are necessary for healthy and safe relationships.
Effect of educational intervention on safe sexual behavior
The majority of adolescents are currently becoming sexually active before their 18th birthday having to battle with unsafe sexual behaviours, teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, and school dropouts. The study designed and tested the effect of...
Sexual & reproductive health & rights for adolescent girls
Sexual and reproductive health and rights are critical entitlements best supported by human rights-based approaches empowering rights-holders to claim their rights and duty bearers to fulfil their obligations.
Relational Factors & HIV Testing Practices: Kampala, Uganda
Despite the global phenomenon of refugee urbanization, little is known about relational contexts that shape HIV testing among urban refugee youth.
Uganda National Child Policy 2020
The National Child Policy (NCP) demonstrates the commitment of the Government of Uganda to ensure the well-being of all children. It is another big stride in the Country’s efforts to uphold children's rights and protect them from all forms of abuse, neglect, ...
National Child Focused Research Agenda, Uganda (2023-2023)
Improving child well-being is one of the Government of Uganda’s priorities as demonstrated through the aspirations of the National Child Policy (2020) and its attendant National action plan 2020/2021 -2025/2026. The National Child focused research agenda (20...
Child Labour in the coffee industry in Eastern Uganda
This report highlights findings from a scoping study on child labour in the coffee supply chain (CSC) in four eastern Uganda districts of Mbale, Sironko, Kapchorwa, and Bududa. This study sought to ascertain the prevalence and identify drivers of child labour ...
A Qualitative Study of Risks and Protective Factors for Violence against Children living in Residential Care Institutions (RCIs) in Uganda
This qualitative study of risks and protective factors for violence against children living in Residential Care Institutions (RCIs) for children is part of the wider qualitative study on violence against children in Uganda. The study complements the national w...
Measuring the Impact and Sustainability of A Community Based Child Protection Approach in Prevention of Violence Against Children
The 20-year armed conflict in northern Uganda eroded the traditional social protective safety nets and community cohesion that hitherto, ensured the protection of children from abuse and violence.
Children as Partners in Child Protection in COVID-19 Guide
At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, children and youth were facing unprecedented challenges caused by quarantine measures and school closure policies in nearly every country in the world.
Violence Against Children in Africa Uganda survey report
The Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development led all aspects of the Uganda Violence Against Children Survey (VACS), the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) advised on survey design and provided the survey sample, and The AfriChild Centre for Excellenc...
Window on the World of Violence Against Children Outside of Family Care in Uganda
Pushing the Limits of Child Participation in Research and Policy-Making through Youth-Driven Participatory Action Research (YPAR)
Understanding Social Norms to Prevent and Respond to Violence Against Children in Uganda
Violence Against children (VAC) has been recognized globally and in the East African region as a serious health and social development problem with adverse effects on the well-being of children. Despite the remarkable efforts of prevention and intervention, sc...
Those are things for married people” Open Access exploring parents’/adults’ and adolescents’ perspectives on contraceptives in Narok and Homa Bay Counties, Kenya
Contraceptive use among adolescent girls is low in many sub-Saharan African countries including Kenya. Attitudes and perspectives about contraception of community members including adolescent girls themselves may be likely to limit contraceptive use among adol...
The state of Ugandas Fathers A Scoping Review
The State of Uganda Father’s Report 2021 is the inaugural report of its kind in Uganda. The report is a product of the AfriChild Center and is inspired by ‘State of The World’s Fathers’ Produced by Promundo-US. The first-ever “State of the World’s Fathers” rep...
Ugandan Households: A Study of Parenting Practices in Three Districts
Ugandan households play a central role in child care and protection, yet the way social interactions with parents or other caretakers protect children from adversities has not been thoroughly researched. This study was designed to identify community perception...
The knowledge-risk-behaviour continuum among young Ugandans: what it tells us about SRH/HIV integration
With a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence of 2.1% among 15–24-year-olds, opportunities for further integration of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV prevention services for young people in Uganda exist. We examine a range of factors that c...
The Impact of Men’s Active Positive Presence in the Lives of Children in Uganda
This report presents the findings of a study titled “The impact of men’s active positive presence in the lives of children in Uganda”. This study was carried out in Uganda and the Republic of South Africa. It was commissioned by Heartlines, an NGO based in So...
Using Customary Principles To Enhance Childrens Right To Education And Protection From Sexual Violence In Uganda
Many children do not complete their primary education and fewer still complete secondary or tertiary education. Children in Uganda are exposed to abuse, exploitation and marginalization and the girl child is particularly at risk given the prevalence of the d...
Tying Loose Ends and Promoting Exchange of Information Between the National Strategic Program Plan of Interventions For Orphans And Other Vulnerable Children; And The Child Justice System in
Legal protections for children constitute a crucial fraction of basic services vital to child well-being Legal protections legislate for equitable access to essential services4 necessary for full child well-being, survival and development; eliminate barriers ...
SRH for adolescents in schools for people with disabilities
Title: Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in schools for people with disabilities Author (s): Mercy Obasi, Stephen Manortey, Kofi Adesi Kyei &, Michael Kwabeng Addo, Sharon Talboys, Lynette Gay & Frank Baiden Year of Publi...
The effect of educational intervention on shaping safe sexual behavior based on problem-based pedagogy in the field of sex education and reproductive health: clinical trial among adolescents
Title: The effect of educational intervention on shaping safe sexual behavior based on problem-based pedagogy in the field of sex education and reproductive health: clinical trial among adolescents in Tanzania Author (s): Walter C. Millanzi, Kala...
Realising sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls and young women living in slums in Uganda: a qualitative study
Title: Realising sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls and young women living in slums in Uganda: a qualitative study Author (s): Majel McGranahan, Elizabeth Bruno‑McClung, Joselyn Nakyeyune, Derrick Aaron NsibirwaChristop...
Relational Factors and HIV Testing Practices: Qualitative Insights from Urban Refugee Youth in Kampala, Uganda
Title: The effect of educational intervention on shaping safe sexual behaviour based on problem-based pedagogy in the field of sex education and reproductive health: clinical trial among adolescents in Tanzania Author (s): Carmen H. Logie, Mos...
Uganda National Child Policy 2020
Title: The Uganda National Child Policy 2020 Author (s): The Government of Uganda, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development Year of Publication: 2020 Access Resource Here:
The National Child Focused Research Agenda
Title: The National Child-Focused Research Agenda Author (s): Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and The AfriChild Centre Year of Publication: 2022 Access Resource Here:
Child Labor in The Coffee Sector in Bugisu Sub Region, Eastern Uganda
Title: Child Labor in The Coffee Sector in Bugisu Sub Region, Eastern Uganda, A Child Friendly Report Author (s): Terre des hommes and The AfriChild Centre Year of Publication: 2023 Access Resource Here:
A Qualitative Study of Risks and Protective Factors for Violence against Children living in Residential Care Institutions (RCIs) in Uganda
Title: The Effect of Covid-19 on the Wellbeing of Children in Uganda, 2021 Author (s): Firminus Mugumya, Amy Ritterbusch, Neil Boothby, Joyce Wanican, Timothy Opobo, Noah Nyende, Sarah Meyer and Clare Bangirana Year of Publication: 2017 Access Resou...
Measuring the Impact and Sustainability of A Community Based Child Protection Approach in Prevention of Violence Against Children
Title: Measuring the Impact and Sustainability of A Community-Based Child Protection Approach in the Prevention of Violence Against Children Author (s): The AfriChild Centre and ChildFund International Uganda Year of Publication: 2022 Acc...
Moving Towards Children as Partners in Child Protection in COVID-19 Guide
Title: Moving Towards Children as Partners in Child Protection in COVID-19 Guide Author (s): Vanessa Currie, Laura H.V. Wright, Helen Veitch, Yana Mayevskaya, and Lindsay Rogers Year of Publication: 2020 Access Resource Here:
Violence Against Children in Africa Uganda survey report
Title: Violence Against Children in Africa Uganda Survey Report Author (s): Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and The AfriChild Centre Year of Publication: 2017 Access Resource Here:
Window on the World of Violence Against Children Outside of Family Care in Uganda
Title: Window on the World of Violence Against Children Outside of Family Care in Uganda Author (s): Amy E. Ritterbusch, Neil Boothby, Firminus Mugumya, Sarah Meyer, Joyce Wanican, Clare Bangirana, Noah Nyende, Doreen Ampumuza, John Apota with Fr...
Understanding Social Norms to Prevent and Respond to Violence Against Children in Uganda
Title: Understanding Social Norms to Prevent and Respond to Violence Against Children in Uganda Author (s): Dr Richard Wotti Wamimbi; Centres for Child Protection and Learning (CPL) Kampala, Uganda Year of Publication: 2018 Access Resourc...
“Those are things for married people” Open Access exploring parents’/adults’ and adolescents’ perspectives on contraceptives in Narok and Homa Bay Counties, Kenya
Title: “Those are things for married people” Open Access exploring parents’/adults’ and adolescents’ perspectives on contraceptives in Narok and Homa Bay Counties, Kenya Author (s): Jefferson Mwaisaka, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Ramatou Ouedraogo, Cle...
The State of Uganda Father’s Report: A Scoping Review
Title: The State of Uganda Father’s Report: A Scoping Review Author (s): The AfriChild Centre Year of Publication: 2021 Access Resource Here:
Ugandan Households: A Study of Parenting Practices in Three Districts
Title: The effect of educational intervention on shaping safe sexual behaviour based on problem-based pedagogy in the field of sex education and reproductive health: clinical trial among adolescents in Tanzania Author (s): The AfriChild Centre fo...
The knowledge-risk-behaviour continuum among young Ugandans: what it tells us about SRH/HIV integration
Title: The knowledge-risk-behaviour continuum among young Ugandans: what it tells us about SRH/HIV integration Author (s): Raquel Palomino González, Damazo Twebaze Kadengye, and Roy William Mayega Year of Publication: 2021 Access Resourc...
The Impact of Men's Active Positive Presence in the Lives of Children in Uganda
Title: The Impact of Men's Active Positive Presence in the Lives of Children in Uganda Author (s): Rosalind G.N. Lubanga (PhD) – Lead Investigator Mathew Amollo – Co-investigatorJohn Bosco Apota – Study Coordinator Year of Publication: 2019 ...
Using Customary Principles To Enhance Children's Right To Education And Protection From Sexual Violence In Uganda
Title: Using Customary Principles To Enhance Children's Right To Education And Protection From Sexual Violence In Uganda Author (s): Mulyampiti Tabitha Ndegemo, Sylvia Namakula, Julius Lwanyaaga, William Ssempebwa, Josephine Namatovu, Mary Kasan...
Tying Loose Ends and Promoting Exchange of Information Between the National Strategic Program Plan of Interventions For Orphans And Other Vulnerable Children; And The Child Justice System in
Title: Tying Loose Ends and Promoting Exchange of Information Between the National Strategic Program Plan of Interventions For Orphans And Other Vulnerable Children; And The Child Justice System in Uganda Author (s): The AfriChild Centre Yea...