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Care & Protection

Care and nurturing of children and prevent. Strengthening family care and family structures.

Relational Factors & HIV Testing Practices: Kampala, Uganda

Despite the global phenomenon of refugee urbanization, little is known about relational contexts that shape HIV testing among u...

A Qualitative Study of Risks and Protective Factors for Violence against Children living in Residential Care Institutions (RCIs) in Uganda

This qualitative study of risks and protective factors for violence against children living in Residential Care Institutions (R...

Measuring the Impact and Sustainability of A Community Based Child Protection Approach in Prevention of Violence Against Children

The 20-year armed conflict in northern Uganda eroded the traditional social protective safety nets and community cohesion that ...

Children as Partners in Child Protection in COVID-19 Guide

At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, children and youth were facing unprecedented challenges caused by quarantine measures a...

Violence Against Children in Africa Uganda survey report

The Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development led all aspects of the Uganda Violence Against Children Survey (VACS), t...

Window on the World of Violence Against Children Outside of Family Care in Uganda

Pushing the Limits of Child Participation in Research and Policy-Making through Youth-Driven Participatory Action Research (YPAR)

Understanding Social Norms to Prevent and Respond to Violence Against Children in Uganda

Violence Against children (VAC) has been recognized globally and in the East African region as a serious health and social deve...

Those are things for married people” Open Access exploring parents’/adults’ and adolescents’ perspectives on contraceptives in Narok and Homa Bay Counties, Kenya

Contraceptive use among adolescent girls is low in many sub-Saharan African countries including Kenya. Attitudes and perspectiv...

The state of Ugandas Fathers A Scoping Review

The State of Uganda Father’s Report 2021 is the inaugural report of its kind in Uganda. The report is a product of the AfriChil...

Ugandan Households: A Study of Parenting Practices in Three Districts

Ugandan households play a central role in child care and protection, yet the way social interactions with parents or other care...

The knowledge-risk-behaviour continuum among young Ugandans: what it tells us about SRH/HIV integration

With a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence of 2.1% among 15–24-year-olds, opportunities for further integration of se...

The Impact of Men’s Active Positive Presence in the Lives of Children in Uganda

This report presents the findings of a study titled “The impact of men’s active positive presence in the lives of children in ...

Political Economy Analysis of Early Childhood Development in Ethiopia

Systematic Mapping of Child-Focused Scholars and Networks in Africa