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82 total results found

School-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy in the Hoima District, Uganda: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial

Uganda has persistently had a high adolescent pregnancy prevalence; 25% for the last 10 years. This protocol presents the design of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (CRCT) to investigate the effectiveness of School-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health (...

Sexual and reproductive health among adolescent girls and young women in Mombasa, Kenya

This secondary data analysis of a cross-sectional survey conducted in Mombasa, Kenya characterises sexual and reproductive health (SRH) indicators among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) engaged in casual and transactional sexual relationships as well ...

Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young people in the Gambia: a systematic review

Adolescents and young people in the Gambia make up 32% of the national population. Observations indicate that this population group lack access to quality information and services on sexual and reproductive health. This systematic review explored some sexual a...

Sexual health of adolescent girls and young women in Central Uganda: exploring perceived coercive aspects of transactional sex

Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Uganda are at risk of early sexual debut, unwanted pregnancy, violence, and disproportionally high HIV infection rates, driven in part by transactional sex. This paper examines the extent to which AGYW’s participation...

Sexual health of very young adolescents in South Western Uganda: a cross-sectional assessment of sexual knowledge and behavior

In most Sub-Saharan African countries, little is known about young adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health (SRH). Though some efforts have been made to understand and improve the SRH of older adolescents, very young adolescents (VYAs) are often overlooked,...

Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10–19 years in western Kenya: evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey

This paper reports the findings of a pilot survey of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) knowledge-edge and behaviour in Homabay County of western Kenya. The study was based on a cross-sectional survey very of 523 male and female adolescents aged ...

Socio-cultural context of adolescent sexuality and youth friendly service intervention in West Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia: a qualitative study

Recognizing that adolescents face barriers in accessing services, may feel embarrassed, face stigma on sexual matters, or have concerns about judgmental providers, youth-friendly service (YFS) has been introduced to deliver health services that meet the sexua...

Youth accessing reproductive health services in Malawi: drivers, barriers, and suggestions from the perspectives of youth and parents

Malawi has made progress in increasing its overall modern contraceptive prevalence rate since 2000, dramatically reducing its total fertility rate. However, youth, aged 15–24 years, have not had the same successes. Teenage pregnancies are on the rise and litt...

Where and how do young people like to get their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information? Experiences from students in higher learning institutions in Mbeya, Tanzania: a cross-section

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) among young adults in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) is still a major public health challenge. Early school-based sexuality education programs and sexual health information sharing between teachers, parents and yo...

What do service providers in Southern Ethiopia say about barriers to using youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents?: Qualitative study

In Ethiopia, the utilization coverage of adolescent-friendly health services (AFSRHs) ranged only from 9 to 55% and it was the lowest of all Sub-Saharan African countries in 2016. Little is known why adolescents were not accessing the existing services to the...

Venue-Based HIV Testing at Sex Work Hotspots to Reach Adolescent Girls and Young Women Living With HIV: A Cross-sectional Study in Mombasa, Kenya

We estimated the potential number of newly diagnosed HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) using a venue-based approach to HIV testing at sex work hotspots.

Temporal shifts in HIV-related risk factors among cohorts of adolescent girls and young women enrolled in DREAMS programming: evidence from Kenya, Malawi and Zambia

Four decades into the HIV epidemic, adolescent girls and young women (AGYW, aged 15–24 years) remain at high risk for HIV. Globally, over 7000 AGYW seroconvert weekly, and even though they comprise 1/10th of the population, 20% of sub-Saharan Africa’s (SSA) se...

Utilisation of sexual and reproductive health services among street children and young adults in Kampala, Uganda: does migration matter?

While the nexus of migration and health outcomes is well acknowledged, the effect of rural-urban migration on the use of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services has received less attention. We assessed the effect of rural-urban migration on the use of SR...

The moral and social narratives of sexual and reproductive health in Kenya: a case of adolescents and young people pre- and within the MDG era

The role of global initiatives in catalyzing change within national contexts is complex and less understood. Addressing adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Kenya requires concerted efforts of both state and non-state actors and more importantly, a sup...

Understanding HIV risks among adolescent girls and young women in informal settlements of Nairobi, Kenya: Lessons for DREAMS

The high incidence of HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) has been attributed to the numerous and often layered vulnerabilities that they encounter including violence against women, unfavourable power relations that are worsened by age-...

The Effect Of Covid 19 on The Wellbeing of Children in Uganda

The assessment of COVID-19's effect on the Wellbeing of Children in Uganda was conducted between June and August 2020 by AfriChild Centre, Makerere University. The study took a retrospective approach with a focus on the three months of the COVID-19 lockdown (A...

Tending the ‘monthly flower:’ a qualitative study of menstrual beliefs in Tigray, Ethiopia

Menstruation is a universal aspect of human female reproductive life. Management of menstrual flow presents hygiene challenges to girls and women in low-income countries, especially when they first start their periods. As part of a project to improve menstrual...

Lessons Learned from a Child Participation Project with The AfriChild Centre in Uganda

COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020, having spread to over 110 countries and territories. Uganda registered her first COVID-19 case in March 2020. This was followed by a series of actions to prevent a...

School-Based Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy in the Hoima District, Uganda: Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial

School-Based Sexual and Reproductive He...

Title: School-Based Sexual and Reproductive HealthServices for Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy inthe Hoima District, Uganda: Cluster RandomizedControlled Trial   Author (s): Gloria Kirungi Kasozi, Julius Kasozi, Frank Pio Kiyingi and Miph Musoke...

Sexual and reproductive health among adolescent girls and young women in Mombasa, Kenya

Sexual and reproductive health among ad...

Title: Sexual and reproductive health among adolescent girls and young women in Mombasa, Kenya   Author (s): Andrea Wilson, a Helgar Musyoki, b Lisa Avery, Eve Cheuk, Peter Gichangi, Parinita Bhattacharjee, Janet Musimbe, Stella Leung, James Blanch...

Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young people in the Gambia: a systematic review

Sexual and reproductive health of adole...

Title: Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and young people in the Gambia: a systematic review   Author (s): Mat Lowe, Society for the Study of Women’s Health (SSWH)   Year of Publication: 2021   Access Resource Here: 

Sexual health of adolescent girls and young women in Central Uganda: exploring perceived coercive aspects of transactional sex

Sexual health of adolescent girls and y...

Title: Sexual health of adolescent girls and young women in Central Uganda: exploring perceived coercive aspects of transactional sex   Author (s): Kyegombe, Nambusi Meiksin, Rebecca Wamoyi, Joyce Heise, Lori Stoebenau, Kirsten Buller and Ana Maria...

Sexual health of very young adolescents in South Western Uganda: a cross-sectional assessment of sexual knowledge and behavior

Sexual health of very young adolescents...

Title: Sexual health of very young adolescents in South Western Uganda: a cross-sectional assessment of sexual knowledge and behaviour   Author (s): Elizabeth Kemigisha, Katharine Bruce, Viola N. Nyakato, Gad Ndaruhutse Ruzaaza, Anna B. Ninsiima, W...

Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10–19 years in western Kenya: evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey

Sexual and reproductive health knowledg...

Title: Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge andbehaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10–19 years in western Kenya: evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey   Author (s): Monica Magadi, Dan Kaseje, Charles Wafula, Margaret Kaseje, Penn...

Socio-cultural Context of adolescent sexuality and youth friendly service intervention in West Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia: A Qualitative Study

Socio-cultural context of adolescent se...

Title: Socio-cultural Context of adolescent sexuality and youth friendly service intervention in West Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia: A Qualitative Study   Author (s): Munea, Alemtsehay Mekonnen Alene, Getu Degu Debelew, Gurmesa Tura Sibhat and Ke...

Youth accessing reproductive health services in Malawi: drivers, barriers, and suggestions from the perspectives of youth and parents

Youth accessing reproductive health ser...

Title: Youth accessing reproductive health services in Malawi: drivers, barriers, and suggestions from the perspectives of youth and parents   Author (s): Andrew Self, Samuel Chipokosa, Amos Misomali, Tricia Aung, Steven A. Harvey, Mercy Chimchere,...

Where and how do young people like to get their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information? Experiences from students in higher learning institutions in Mbeya, Tanzania: a cross-section

Where and how do young people like to g...

Title: Where and how do young people like to get their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information? Experiences from students in higher learning institutions in Mbeya, Tanzania: a cross-sectional study   Author (s): Ruby Doryn Mcharo, Philippe...

What do service providers in Southern Ethiopia say about barriers to using youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents?: Qualitative study

What do service providers in Southern E...

Title: What do service providers in Southern Ethiopia say about barriers to using youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents?: Qualitative study   Author (s): Yitagesu Habtu, Mirgissa Kaba and Hussein Mekonnen   Year o...

Venue-Based HIV Testing at Sex Work Hotspots to Reach Adolescent Girls and Young Women Living With HIV: A Cross-sectional Study in Mombasa, Kenya

Venue-Based HIV Testing at Sex Work Hot...

Title: Venue-Based HIV Testing at Sex Work Hotspots to Reach Adolescent Girls and Young Women Living With HIV: A Cross-sectional Study in Mombasa, Kenya   Author (s): Huiting Ma, Linwei Wang, Peter Gichangi, Vernon Mochache, Griffins Manguro, Helga...

Temporal shifts in HIV-related risk factors among cohorts of adolescent girls and young women enrolled in DREAMS programming: evidence from Kenya, Malawi and Zambia

Temporal shifts in HIV-related risk fac...

Title: Temporal shifts in HIV-related risk factors among cohorts of adolescent girls and young women enrolled in DREAMS programming: evidence from Kenya, Malawi and Zambia   Author (s): Sanyukta Mathur, Craig J Heck, Sangram Kishor Patel, Jerry Oka...

Utilisation of sexual and reproductive health services among street children and young adults in Kampala, Uganda: does migration matter?

Utilisation of sexual and reproductive ...

Title: Utilisation of sexual and reproductive health services among street children and Young adults in Kampala, Uganda: does migration matter?   Author (s): Mulekya F. Bwambale, Paul Bukuluki, Cheryl A. Moyer and Bart H. W. Van den Borne   Year ...

The moral and social narratives of sexual and reproductive health in Kenya: a case of adolescents and young people pre- and within the MDG era

The moral and social narratives of sexu...

Title: The moral and Social Narratives of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Kenya: A Case of adolescents and Young People pre - and within the MDG Era   Author (s): Elsie Akwara and Priscilla Idele   Year of Publication: 2020   Access Resource ...

Understanding HIV risks among adolescent girls and young women in informal settlements of Nairobi, Kenya: Lessons for DREAMS

Understanding HIV risks among adolescen...

Title: Understanding HIV risks among adolescent girls and young women in informal settlements of Nairobi, Kenya: Lessons for DREAMS   Author (s):  Abdhalah Ziraba, Benedict Orindi, Sheru Muuo, Sian Floyd, Isolde J. Birdthistle, Joyce Mumah, Jane O...

The Effect Of Covid 19 on The Wellbeing of Children in Uganda

The Effect Of Covid 19 on The Wellbeing...

Title: The Effect Of COVID-19 19 on The Wellbeing Of Children in Uganda June   Author (s): The AfriChild Centre   Year of Publication: 2021   Access Resource Here: 

Tending the ‘monthly flower:’ a qualitative study of menstrual beliefs in Tigray, Ethiopia

Tending the ‘monthly flower:’ a qualita...

Title: Tending the ‘monthly flower:’ a qualitative study of menstrual beliefs in Tigray, Ethiopia   Author (s): L. Lewis Wall, Kibrom Teklay, Alem Desta and Shewaye Belay   Year of Publication: 2018   Access Resource Here: 

Lessons Learned from a Child Participation Project with The AfriChild Centre in Uganda

Lessons Learned from a Child Participat...

Title: Lessons Learned from a Child Participation Project with The AfriChild Centre in Uganda   Author (s): Clare Ahabwe Bangirana, Agatha Kafuko, John Bosco Apota, Mathew Amollo, Timothy Opobo, Vanessa Currie, Laura H.V. Wright and Yana Mayevskaya...